CHIHAIA Gabriela-Nicoleta

Asistent universitar
Departamentul Drept
Facultatea de Drept
B-dul Eroilor nr.25 Brașov, Romania
Corp T, sala TI 16
Tel./Fax: +372.902.454
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- Drept procesual penal
- Drept penal
- Drept execuțional penal
- Organizarea sistemului judiciar și a profesiilor juridice
- Protecția juridică a drepturilor omului
- Chihaia, G.N. (2021). Victim protection in criminal proceedings at european level. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences and Law, Vol. 14(63) Special Issue, pp. 167-176 (paper presented at the conference ”Current Issues within EU and EU Member States Legal Framework”, The Fourth Edition, organized by the Transilvania University of Brasov, in November 2021), disponibil la:
- Chihaia, G.N. (2019). Considerations regarding the deprivation of liberty of juveniles in criminal matters, in light of national and international regulations. Law Review, International Journal of Law and Jurisprudence .Online Semiannually Publication, Volume X, special issue II, December published by Union of Jurists of Romania and Universul Juridic Publishing - e-ISSN 2246-9435. (paper presented at the conference ”Current Issues within EU and EU Member States Legal Framework”, The Third Edition organized by the Transilvania University of Brasov, in October 2019),
- Chihaia, G.N. (2018). Rolul și activitatea judecătorului de supraveghere a privării de libertate. București: Editura Universul Juridic, ISBN: 978-606-39-0230-7.
- Chihaia, G.N. (2018). Considerations on the right to a fair trial - breach of the principles of adversarial proceedings and intermediation by changing the composition of the panel. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, series VII: Social Sciences, Law, vo. 11 (60), no. 2, the Second Edition (paper presented at the conference ”Current Issues within EU and EU Member States Legal Framework”, organized by Transilvania University of Brasov, in October 2018).
- Chihaia, G.N. (2017). Considerations on the Effect of the Pilot Decision of the European Court of Human Rights Concerning the Detention Conditions in Romania. Law Review no. 2/2017, International Journal of Law and Jurisprudence. Online Semiannually Publication, published by Union of Jurists of Romania and Universul Juridic Publishing-ISSN 2246-9435. (paper presented at the conference ”Current Issues within EU and EU Member States Legal Framework”, the First Edition, organized by the Transilvania University of Brasov, in October 2017).
- Chihaia, G.N. (2017). Considerations regarding the revision of criminal judgments in case of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, paper presented during the Scientific Session of the Institute of Legal Research - 10 years since Romania's accession to the European Union. The impact on the evolution of Romanian law - Bucharest, March 31, 2017.
- Chihaia, G.N. (2017). The Resocialization and Reintegration of the Convicts Sentenced to Long-Term Freedom Privative Punishments. SPECTO, International Conference Multidisciplinary Perspectives in the Quasi-Coercive Treatment of Offenders, the sixth edition, (11th May-12th May, 2017 Freiburg, Germany), ISBN 978-88-95922-99-7.
- Chihaia, G.N. (2016). Compared law issues regarding the judge supervising the limitation of freedom. Challenges of the Knowledge Society-CKS. ISSN (CD-ROM): 2284-6972 ISSN (online): 2359-9227, ISSN-L: 2068-7796.
- Chihaia, G.N. (2016). Inconsistencies regarding the execution of sentences and educational measures depriving of liberty, paper presented during Scientific Session of the Institute for Legal Research - Entry into force of the new codes. A first evaluation, held in Bucharest, on April 15, 2016, ISBN 978-606-673-838-5.