BARBU Marius Cătălin

Departamentul de Prelucrarea lemnului şi designul produselor din lemn
Facultatea de Design de mobilier și ingineria lemnului


Str. Universității, nr. 1, Braşov, Romania
Corp L, sala H

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • placi stratificate şi aglomerate din lemn
  • produse compozite din lemn şi alte materiale nelemnoase
  • tehnologii neconventionale în prelucrarea lemnului
  • protectia mediului în industria lemnului: epurarea apelor şi filtrarea aerului uzat

Publicații (selecție)

  • Mitişor, A.; BARBU, M.; Curtu, I. (1996): Moulding of wood, University Transilvania of Braşov (Romanian, 127 pag.)
  • BARBU, M.C. (1999): Wood based Composites, Editura LuxLibris Braşov, Romania. ISBN 973-9240-80-1 (Romanian, 313 pag.).
  • BARBU, M.C.; Mitişor, A. (1999): Technology of Fiberboards. University Transilvania of Braşov (Romanian, 124 pag.).
  • BARBU, M.C. (2002): MDF – Technological aspects. Editura Universitatii “Transilvania” din Braşov. ISBN 973-635-027-4 (Romanian, 240 pag.)
  • Thömen, H. (2010): Wood based Panels – An Introduction for Specialists. Brunel University Press, London. ISBN 978-1-902316-82-6. Chapter 1: ”Wood-based Panel Technology” by Irle, M. and BARBU, M. (English, 94 pag.).
  • Rowell, R. (2012): Handbook for Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites – 2nd Edition. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group LLC. Boca Raton, FL, USA. Chapter 10: “Wood Composites” by Irle, M.; BARBU, M.C.; Reh, R., pag. 321-413. ISBN 978-1-439853801
  • Aguilera, A.; Davim, P. (2014): Research Developments in Wood Engineering and Technology. IGI Global. Engineering Science Reference. Hershey, PA, USA. Chapter 1: “Wood-based Composites” by BARBU, M.C.; Irle, M.; Reh, R., pag.1-45; Chapter 3: “Modern Testing of Wood-based Panels, Process Control and Modeling” by BARBU, M.C.; Hasener, J.; Bernardy, G., pag.90-130; Chapter 8: “Non-Wood Lignocellulosic Composites” by BARBU, M.C.; Reh, R., Dönmez Cavdar, A., pag.281-319, ISBN 978-1-4666-4554-7
  • Paulitsch, M; BARBU, M.C. (2015): Holzwerkstoffe der Moderne, DRW-Verlag, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 528 pag., ISBN 978-3871818912
  • Jawaid, M.; Tahir, P.M.; Saba N. (2017): Lignocellulosic Fibre and Biomass-Based Composite Materials - Processing, Properties and Applications. Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier, Duxford, UK. Chapter 13: Bamboo: „Potential Material for Biocomposites“ by Chaowana, P. and BARBU M.C., pag.259-290, ISBN: 978-0-08-100959-8
  • Information Resources Management Association (2017): Materials Science and Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global. Engineering Science Reference. Hershey, PA, USA. Chapter 38: “Non-Wood Lignocellulosic Composites” by BARBU, M.C.; Reh, R., Dönmez Cavdar, A., pag.947-977, ISBN 978-1-5225-1798-6
  • Schnabel, T.; BARBU M.C.; Nagl, K.; Krenn, S. (2020): Innovativer Einsatz von ein- und mehrjährigen Pflanzen als Dämmmaterial (96 pag.). Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, ISBN: 9783736961845