PETRE Ioana Mădălina

Șef lucrări
Departamentul de Inginerie si Management Industrial
Facultatea de Inginerie tehnologică și management industrial
Str. Mihai Viteanu nr. 5 Brașov, Romania
Corp V, sala VI07
Tel./Fax: +40 268 414690
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- Inginerie industrială
- Managementul resurselor umane
- Previziuni economice
- Mușchi pneumatici
- Echipamente de reabilitare
Publicații (selecție):
- Petre, I.M. (2021)Studies regarding the Use of Pneumatic Muscles in Precise Positioning Systems. Appl. Sci., 11, 9855.
- Petre, I.M.; Boscoianu, M.; Oancea, B.; Chicomban, M.; Turcu, I.; Simion, G. (2022) Analysis of the Physiognomy of Unique Sets in the Maximum Number of Repetitions Strategy—The Case of One-Arm Scott Machine Seated Bicep Curls. Appl. Sci., 12, 8308.
- Gavrus, C.; Petre, I.M.; Pârv, L. (2024) Industry 4.0—Premise for Sustainability: Implementation Degree in Manufacturing Companies from Romania. Sustainability, 16, 807.
- Petre, I.M., Găvrus, C. (2021) Experimental research regarding the influence of cutting parameters on cutting force in turning operation, Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,International Journal of Engineering,Tome XIX, Fascicule 2.
- Petre I.M. (2021) A brief analysis of eLearning educational services in pandemic crisis”, MATEC Web Conf.343, 11011
- Petre I.M. (2019) Constative study regarding the choosing criteria of the educational institution, Educația Plus, 25 (2), 60-69.