CARP Marius-Catalin

Șef lucrări
Departamentul de Electronică şi Calculatoare
Facultatea de Inginerie Electrică și Știința Calculatoarelor
Str. Politehnicii nr.1 Brașov, Romania
Corp N, sala NII2
Interese de cercetare:
- Sisteme de control dedicate
- Aplicații cu microcontrolere
- Proiectarea si fabricarea cablajelor imprimate (PCB)
- Prelucrarea digitala a semnalelor
- Sisteme de operare in timp real (RTOS)
- „Image-based computation of instantaneous wave-free ratio from routine coronary angiography: evaluation of a hybrid decision making strategy with FFR”, Lucian Itu, Tiziano Passerini, Elisabeta Badila, Lucian Calmac, Diana Zamfir, Dana Penes, Rodica Niculescu, Emma Weiss, Laszlo Lazar, M.C. CARP, Alexandru Itu, Constantin Suciu, Puneet Sharma, Bogdan Georgescu, Dorin Comaniciu, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2016
- „TCT-40 image-based computation of instantaneous wave-free ratio from routine coronary angiography-initial validation by invasively measured coronary pressures”, Lucian Calmac, Rodica Niculescu, Elisabeta Badila, Emma Weiss, Diana Zamfir, Lucian Itu, Laszlo Lazar, M.C. CARP, Alexandru Itu, Constantin Suciu, Tiziano Passerini, Puneet Sharma, Bogdan Georgescu, Dorin Comaniciu, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2015
- „Hybrid Electrical Storage Solutions for Developing Reliable Transport Systems”, M.C. CARP Paul Nicolae BORZA, Mihai MACHEDON-PISU, Proceedings of the 14th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2020 (IRES 2020)
- "Hybrid storage systems and dynamic adapting topologies for vehicle pplications", A.M. PUSCAS, M.C. CARP, P.N. BORZA, Radu MUSAT, Dalik SOJREF, OPTIMIZATION OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - OPTIM 2012, Braşov, 2012, Romania.
- "Energy Management System and Controlling Methods for a LDH1250HP Diesel Locomotive Based on Supercapacitors", M.C. CARP, A.M. PUSCAS, P.N. BORZA, Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS'11, Feb. - 2011.
- "Intelligent Control System Used For Increasing The Energy Efficiency Of The Electric Vehicles - Reduced Scale Model -", A.M. PUSCAS, M.C. CARP, P.N. BORZA, CONAT 2010, International CONgress on Automotive and Transport Engineering, Braşov, Romania, October 27-29, 2010
- "Thermal and Voltage Testing and Characterization of Supercapacitors and Batteries", A.M. PUSCAS, M.C. CARP, P.N. BORZA and G. Coquery, OPTIMIZATION OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - OPTIM 2010, Braşov, 2010, Romania
- "Wearable computing for patients with coronary diseases: Gathering efforts by comparing methods", V. Rocha, P. Borza, J. Correia1, G. Goncalves, A. Puşcaş R. Seromenho, A. Mascioletti, A. Picano, S. Cocorada, M.CARP, Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania May 2010