CHICOMBAN Mihaela Carmen

Departamentul de Performanță motrică
Facultatea de Educație fizică și sporturi montane


Str. Universității nr.1, Brașov, Romania
Tel./Fax: +40 268 474017

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • motivația muncii
  • cercetare în disciplinele sportului colectiv- baschet
  • antrenamentul sportiv
  • cercetare în fitness-aerobic

Publicații (selecție)

  • PetreM., Boscoianu M., Oancea B., Chicomban M., Turcu I., Simion G., Analysis of the Physiognomy of Unique Sets in the Maximum Number of Repetitions Strategy—The Case of One-Arm Scott Machine Seated Bicep Curls. Applied Sciences, ISSN 20763417, 2021, p.6
  • Chicomban C. M., The Pilates program. A mean of improving balance-related motor abilities.Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics 13(62) No.1-2020
  • Chicomban C. M., Step" program - a means to fight obesity. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics Vol. 12(61) No. 2 – 2019
  • Chicomban C. M., The plannning and periodization of the muscle conditioning training through the r.e.d. training program.Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics  Vol. 11 (60) No. 2 – 2018
  • Chicomban C. M., Fitball - the multifunctional training program for postural alignment. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics  Vol. 10 (59) No. 2 – 2017