Departamentul de Performanță motrică
Facultatea de Educație fizică și sporturi montane
Str. Universității nr.1, Brașov, Romania
Corp Q
Tel./Fax: +40 268 474060
E-mail: sorin.drugau@unitbv.ro
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- mentorat în activitatea sportivă
- metodologii de cercetare a performanței sportive
Publicații (selecție)
- Drugău S., Balint L., (2016). - The role of mentor in young teacher of physical education teacher development - International Scientific Conference „Youth in the Perspective of the Olympic
- Drugău S., (2017) - Teaching techniques based by standards in the process of mentoring - „International Scientific Conference „Youth in the Perspective of the Olympic Movement”,
- Drugău S., (2018) - The role of the mentoring in education of beginner teacher, approch from the perspective of a mentor teacher
- Drugău S., Balint L., Mijaică R., (2022) - Self-perception of skills specific to professional development in physical education and sports - Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics
- Drugău S., Balint L., (2022) - The importance of establishing the professional objectives and the ways of communication in the initial didactic training of the physical education and sports teachers - Health, Sports & Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol 23, No. 2, April-June 2022
- Drugău S., Balint L., Mijaică R., (2022) - Study of student's satisfaction about teacher's competencies, specific to the teaching activity at the physical education lesson - Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics • Vol. 15(64) No. 2 – 2022