Conferențiar doctor
Departamentul de Științe sociale și ale comunicării
Facultatea de Sociologie și comunicare
B-dul Eroilor nr. 25, Brașov, România
Corp T, sala TII9
Tel.: +40 268 474017
E-mail: attila.kovacs@unitbv.ro
Interese de cercetare:
- Fenomenologia ipseității
- Problematica Celuilalt
- Tehnologie si societate
Publicații (selecție)
- KOVÁCS, Attila, Totális fogyasztás és értéktudat a boldogság labirintusában (Total Consumption and Value Consciousness in the Maze of Happiness), Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, Cluj-Napoca, 2018, https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=799101
- KOVÁCS, Attila, Selfhood at the Fragile Border of (Ab)normality, STUDIA UBB. PHILOSOPHIA, vol. 61 (2016), 3, pp. 5-22, https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=475370
- KOVÁCS, Attila, The Other is Dead, STUDIA UBB. PHILOSOPHIA, vol. 62 (2017), 2, pp. 39-59, https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=599297
- KOVÁCS, Attila, The Boundaries of the Self and the Limits of the World in Aristotle: A Different Kind of Deconstruction of the Ego, STUDIA UBB. PHILOSOPHIA, Vol. 64 (2019), 2, pp. 197‐207, https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=786998
- KOVÁCS, Attila, Anonymity and Spectral Existence in Urban Space (Anonimitate și existență spectrală în spațiul urban), Caietele Echinox, Cluj-Napoca, 2018, pp. 57-66, https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=640087